Structural materials are accountable for more than half of embodied impacts on most new buildings. As precast manufacture, we have endeavored to lead positively in the transition to net-zero embodied carbon.
Alongside our Innovate UK partners; Mace, AKT II, Cemfree – Ultra-Low Carbon Cement, Converge, William Hare Group & UCL, Oranmore have worked to create a reusable low carbon cassette that utilises a cement-free alternative that has been cast on top of the steel beams as a precast unit.
The connections between the structural elements are mostly dry to improve the opportunities for adaptability, as well as allowing the structure to be demountable. Being demountable allows for the precast unit to be reused in other subsequent structures which promote a truly circular economy in the built environment. Offsite manufacturing of the structural elements in this design has been maximised to improve logistics both in the factory, during transportation, and at the installation phase on-site.
Compared to traditional construction, the system will reduce:
• Weight of the structural frame by 10% • Structural steel content by 15-20% • Deliveries to site by 40% • Labour resources for steel frame erection and following trades by 60% • Reduced embodied energy (and therefore carbon reduction) of 80% • Cement content in floors by 100%